21 For 2021

Chris Heller
4 min readDec 30, 2020


We were all thrown off of our axis this year in some way. Overwhelm, fear, boredom, isolation; hopefully a combination of these emotions didn’t lead you to a dark place, eating jars of peach marmalade with your bare hands while binging The Big Bang Theory.

Slowly…very slowly, things are beginning to realign.

I thought it would be helpful, for myself as much as anyone, to consider some core rules and values as we head to 2021. A reminder of sorts since this year was such a mess. I don’t believe life automatically shifts to pure awesomeness on January 1 simply because the madness of 2020, on the calendar, is behind us. But we, as individuals, can decide to make a shift.

Nothing below is revelatory. More than likely you have heard it all before, from me or others. Now may be the perfect time to hear it again.

  1. Decide Quickly

The good one now is better than the great one later. Plus, decisions are mostly reversible. If you realize the choice you made was incorrect it is usually seamless getting back to where you were prior.

2. Body Extremes

Saunas, Ice baths, marathons, fasting…you can handle it, I promise. The long-term benefits are worth the short-term discomfort.

3. Drink Water

No, more. Whatever your current intake is, I’m confident higher volume would be worthwhile. Unless you’re me. I always say I’d be the first to cave in a hot desert because my body is so accustomed to being overly hydrated.

4. No Phone 1st Thing

Don’t look at your phone upon waking up. Start your day with movement, breathing, meditation, journaling, or whatever sets you up for success. I guarantee fielding meaningless emails or scrolling Twitter ain’t it.

5. Send That Text

When you think of someone, write and tell them. If a funny memory pops into your head, share it with whomever was a part of it. Check in with a friend for no reason. Easy and effective.

6. Breathe

I can’t think of anything readily available to every human that holds more power (beyond the obvious). Holotropic, box breathing, 4–7–8 method, Wim Hof, sacred pause…it doesn’t matter which, just do it. And when you’re not doing any special techniques, always try to breathe through your nose, trust me.

7. Watch The Wire

Because it’s better the 2nd time. Because it never disappoints. Because it’s far superior than whatever other content you are spending time consuming. If you’ve never seen it please remove my number from your phone…and then watch it.

8. Habits

You are your habits. Choose wisely and prioritize.

9. Trim

Remove things that don’t serve you in some way. People, events, clothing, thoughts, ‘stuff’…get rid of ’em.

10. No Notifications

The most common problem among our population that no one talks about. Here is a quick 2min audio on this topic from 2019.

11. Limit Meetings

One thing this year taught the masses is something I’ve known for a decade: in-person work meetings are almost always a waste of time. 95% of the ‘vital’ topics and tasks can be completed via email, phone, and as we now all know, Zoom.

12. Create

Something. Anything. Make it your own. Some of you ‘nuts & bolts’ executers are saying to yourself, ‘that’s just not me’. Well, listen, Bob, create a new way to execute something. Use that side of the brain and good things happen.

13. Put It On The Calendar

As a charter member of The Big Ass Calendar Club, I can attest to this practice. Get a calendar (does not have to be ‘big ass’ in scope) -> brainstorm the things that are actually important to you -> make plans to do those things -> write them down on the calendar -> do them -> win life.

14. Not A Big Deal

Most things aren’t that important. Decide what is and don’t get too worked up about the rest.

15. Volunteer

I need to do a way better job with this one. When you do it, you feel good while helping others. Lot of wins to go around.

16. Go First

Instead of those uncertain nods or pauses, where you and another aren’t sure how to socially interact in the moment, go first. Be the one to always say ‘hello’ or make the move. Kill the awkwardness before it appears.

17. Simplify

Ask yourself, ‘what would this look like if it were easy?’.

18. Say ‘Yes’

To trying new things. To meeting new people. To having new experiences. To doing things differently.

19. Say ‘No’

Respect your own time. Telling people ‘no’ when they want it from you is not being mean. It is being kind to yourself by prioritizing your most valuable asset.

20. Be Conscious Of Your ‘Roommate’

That voice inside of our head is loud and loves to chat. The most important daily conversation you have is with yourself. If your roommate says something profound, pause and consider it. If your roommate is acting like a jerk, bringing negativity to your world, tell them to beat it.

21. Take Risks

Most people don’t. Do what others think is crazy. Stand out from the crowd.


22. Play Some Wu-Tang

It is for the children. It is forever. And it will never, ever, steer you wrong.



Chris Heller
Chris Heller

Written by Chris Heller

A dad, a husband, a marketer, a 90s rap connoisseur, a fantasy football expert, a non-conformist. A trier of things. Mostly walking around checking things out.

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